News and insights

We know how important it is to have reliable information, facts and background details as good decision-making tools. In our press releases, you can find the latest news about Bank Frick. We provide specialist knowledge about the financial market – both conventional and blockchain-based – in our in-depth blog posts. If you would like to hear exciting updates about the cryptocurrency market, then dive into our Crypto Industry Reports.

News and insights

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Press Releases

Bank Frick receives ISO 27001 certification for the highest level of security

Bank Frick has received the internationally recognised ISO 27001 certification, which is a strong sign of its commitment to information security. The award confirms the Bank’s high standards when it comes to protecting sensitive data and strengthens its position as an innovative and trustworthy partner in the finance industry.

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Press Releases

Bank Frick plans its new head office in Bendern

Bank Frick has received approval from the municipality of Gamprin for a building lease plot in Unterbendern. Once completed, its new head office will have room for up to 700 employees. The new building will meet the Bank’s growing need for space, bring its employees back together at one location and use a multifunctional, future-oriented solution.

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Interview with CEO Edi Wögerer in «USA Today»

What sets Bank Frick apart from other banks? What role do blockchain business models play? And what vision is the bank pursuing? CEO Edi Wögerer spoke about these questions in an interview with the business magazine «Business Focus», which appears in the US daily newspaper «USA Today».

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Bank Frick and Stablecoin Standard to forge strategic partnership for secure and transparent stablecoin solutions

Bank Frick and Stablecoin Standard will work together strategically to advance the development of secure and transparent stablecoin solutions. The target of the partnership is to promote innovation and create stable, regulatory-compliant models.

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Blog posts

How Blockchain Enables Transparency and Efficiency

Blockchain technology, first demonstrated in 2010 through a historic Bitcoin transaction, has evolved far beyond cryptocurrencies, offering solutions for transparency, efficiency, and decentralization across industries. Its core principles—decentralization, transparency, and immutability—enable secure, peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries. Innovations like Ethereum's smart contracts have expanded blockchain's capabilities, impacting supply chains, automation, and governance.

Despite concerns about energy use, modern blockchains are increasingly energy-efficient, and misconceptions about complexity or security often stem from misunderstandings. For nonprofits, blockchain offers transformative potential: donations can be transferred quickly, cost-effectively, and transparently, ensuring more funds reach beneficiaries while improving accountability and impact measurement.

As blockchain reshapes societal structures and trust, it presents nonprofits with powerful tools to amplify their impact. Organizations willing to embrace this innovation will be well-positioned to drive meaningful change in an interconnected digital world.

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Opening and trading hours over the holidays and 2025

Bank Frick will be closed for the holidays from Tuesday, 24 December 2024 to Thursday, 26 December 2024. The following week, Bank Frick will be closed from Tuesday, 31 December 2024 to Thursday, 2 January 2025. Payment orders that are still to be considered for 2024 must be submitted to the Bank by Friday, 27 December 12.00.

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Between vault and IT lab - Zukunftstag at Bank Frick

“Come in!” With these words, Bank Frick apprentices Nico and Luca, together with the HR manager Andrea, welcomed 15 children to the National Zukunftstag today. In the main building in Balzers, the children discovered the fascinating world of crypto and blockchain - a subject area in which Bank Frick is one of the pioneers throughout Europe. In addition to a crash course on these topics, the young guests were given insights into other business areas such as classic banking, fund and capital markets and e-commerce.

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Press Releases

Apply now: Bank Frick awards scholarship for blockchain and fintech programmes at the University of Liechtenstein

Vaduz – As part of its partnership with the University of Liechtenstein, Bank Frick is awarding a scholarship to cover participation in the blockchain and fintech certificate programme or the blockchain and fintech CAS. The deadline for applications is 13 December 2024, and the course will begin on 9 January 2025.

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Bank Frick authorised by SIX as a new crypto asset custodian

Bank Frick has been approved by SIX as a custodian for crypto assets and can thus continue to act as a custodian for crypto ETPs.

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Warning: Fraudulent e-mails

We would like to point out that there is no connection between the e-mail address “corporate[at]” and Bank Frick. This e-mail address is being misused by third parties to falsely create the impression that it originates from our bank.

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Press Releases

2024 semi-annual report

Bank Frick reported a substantial net profit of CHF 5.5 million in the first half of 2024 and is adhering to its growth strategy. Investments in staff and infrastructure remain high. Despite the persistently uncertain economic situation, Bank Frick expects an annual profit of CHF 12 million.

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Warning: Website «www[dot]investgurus[dot]de»

We would like to point out that there is no connection between letters sent on behalf of Bank Frick by the operators of the «www[dot]investgurus[dot]de» website and Bank Frick.

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