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Press Releases

Half-yearly results Bank Frick – Increased revenues and investments

The first six months of the 2018 financial year yielded very positive results for Liechtenstein based Bank Frick. Net profit was CHF 2.6 million, a similar level to the same period in the previous year (CHF 2.7 million), while revenues significantly increased in all areas compared to the previous year. At the same time, Bank Frick invested more than it had budgeted for, in order to push forward with client-relevant strategic projects.

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Blog posts

Institutional investors can create added value with crowdlending

Crowdlending, which is also known as marketplace lending, has now arrived in the institutional investment sector, too. The returns that can be achieved with this alternative form of investment are often significantly higher than those of traditional investments. Risks can be effectively reduced by means of broad diversification and price development has hardly any correlation with the safe custody account assets, which can usually be found on a list of assets.

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Statement to savedroid

All assets from the savedroid AG ICO are safe and under no circumstances could have been withdrawn due to escrow. Bank Frick fails completely to understand the PR stunt of savedroid’s CEO Yassin Hankir as we prefer working with professionals.

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Press Releases

Bank Frick doubles net income for the year

Bank Frick from Liechtenstein concludes the 2017 financial year with a net profit of CHF 6.3 million (previous year: CHF 3.2 million). All business areas contributed to 2017’s very positive results. Bank Frick manages client assets totalling CHF 3,810 million. The balance sheet total rose 25% to CHF 1,360 million.

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Press Releases

Bank Frick allows direct investments in leading cryptocurrencies

Bank Frick is the first financial institution in Liechtenstein to offer the trading of five leading cryptocurrencies and secure safekeeping via offline storage. Trading takes place within the fully regulated framework of the Bank’s processes. The offering is aimed at professional market participants and financial intermediaries.

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Press Releases

Melanie Gstöhl joins the Management Board

The Board of Directors at Bank Frick has announced that Melanie Gstöhl has been appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO). She will assume her new role as of 1 January 2018. Furthermore, the Board of Directors has given final approval to the Bank’s new digital strategy.

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Press Releases

Bank Frick launches certificate for cryptocurrencies

Bank Frick has become the first Liechtenstein bank to launch a certificate based on cryptocurrencies. This offers investors an easy way to add cryptocurrencies to their portfolios. To address the complexity inherent in cryptocurrencies, Bank Frick has had to put the relevant structures in place and build up a wealth of know-how in this field.

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Press Releases

Half-yearly results − Bank Frick offsets rising costs with healthy growth

Liechtenstein-based Bank Frick & Co. AG has met the targets set for the first half of 2017. Over the first six months, it generated a profit of CHF 2.7 million, which is 26.9% higher compared to the 2016 semi-annual results. Bank Frick posted healthy growth in all strategic business areas.

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Bank founder Kuno Frick Sr passes away aged 78

Kuno Frick Sr, the Bank’s founder, Honorary President and member of the Board of Directors passed away last night at the age of 78. He had to undergo major surgery a few weeks ago. Weakened by the surgery, he suffered complications from which he was unable to recover.

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Press Releases

Bank Frick raises equity by 9% in the 2016 financial year

The Liechtenstein Bank Frick concludes the challenging 2016 financial year successfully. Profit amounts to CHF 3.2 million (previous year: 1.8 million). Income from normal business activities of CHF 10 million is driven by one-off income from the Payment Services strategic business unit. Of this amount, CHF 7 million has been allocated to provisions. The Bank’s own equity capable of being offset now amounts to CHF 85 million (+9%). Bank Frick’s Tier 1 ratio is 22.8%.

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Press Releases

Outstanding first half-year for Bank Frick

Liechtenstein-based Bank Frick & Co. AG increases income in the first six months of 2016 by 11.6% compared with the prior period, to CHF 2.2 million. Income from normal business activities of CHF 9.6 million is driven by one-off income from the Payment Services strategic business unit. Of this amount, CHF 7.1 million has been allocated to provisions. The Bank’s own equity capable of being offset now amounts to CHF 85.6 million (+9.7%).

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Press Releases

Bank Frick strategic banking partner of Net1

BFC Group Establishment in Liechtenstein has sold its controlling share in the payment company Masterpayment AG to the NASDAQ-listed company Net 1 UEPS Technologies Inc. (Net1). Bank Frick & Co. AG and Net1 signed a strategic cooperation agreement as part of this transaction.

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