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Blog posts

Blockchain-Banking 2.0: Von bestehenden Geschäftsmodellen zur Kooperation

Seit dem beginnenden Höhenflug des Bitcoins und dem Hype um Kryptowährungen sowie der zugrunde liegenden Blockchain-Technologie sind bereits zwei Jahre vergangen. Seitdem sind immer mehr Finanzinstitute involviert, welche die neue Technologie für sich und ihre Kunden nutzen wollen. Das so entstandene Blockchain-Banking lässt sich bereits in zwei Phasen unterteilen. Wohingegen in der ersten Phase bestehende Geschäftsmodelle auf neue Kundensegmente angewendet wurden, setzt der Erfolg im Blockchain-Banking 2.0 erheblich mehr Aufwand voraus – Kooperation statt Konkurrenz ist dabei ein Kernkriterium.

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Blog posts

Ohne Banken geht es nicht

Der Blockchain-Markt hat sich vom anfänglichen Wilden Westen zu Zeiten des Kryptobooms verabschiedet und ist reifer geworden. Hiervon profitieren alle Marktteilnehmer. Insbesondere Banken und Finanzintermediären bieten sich vielversprechende Möglichkeiten.

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Blog posts

Die Psychologie der Anleger

Rationale und effiziente Anlageentscheidungen bilden einen Idealzustand, der in der Realität nur selten eingelöst wird. Dennoch hält sich bis heute die These des Homo oeconomicus, der seinen Nutzen maximiert – trotz nachgewiesener Selbstüberschätzung, mangelnder Information oder emotionaler Abhängigkeiten. Das interdisziplinäre Fachgebiet Behavioral Finance untersucht diese Mechanismen und bietet Finanzintermediären wie Privatpersonen interessante Lösungsansätze für nachhaltige Anlageentscheidungen.

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Cybercrime and crypto

Nowadays, cybercrime is often mentioned in the same breath as crypto assets such as bitcoin and Ether. While this may be understandable given the much-quoted anonymity of such assets, the question remains whether they really are a suitable target for fraudsters. After all, authorities and financial intermediaries are still able to trace and analyse payment flows many years further down the line. This is highlighted by cases such as MtGox and Silk Road, for which proceedings are still ongoing even years after irregularities came to light, with ever more involved wallets being identified.

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Press Releases

Bank Frick records higher income and more investments in 2018

In the past financial year, Bank Frick operated in a challenging market environment. Despite this, the Bank managed to achieve higher income than in the previous year across all areas. Bank Frick also invested significantly more than planned in order to reach the set targets faster. The annual results of CHF 4.2 million were thus lower than budgeted (CHF 5.2 million).

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Press Releases

Bank Frick: strategic reorganisation of the Management Board

Bank Frick is restructuring its Management Board. The organisational structure is being adapted to the needs of a tech-savvy bank for intermediaries. Michael Dolzer will become a Management Board member and COO on 1 May 2019. To date, Dolzer has been Head of Business Technologies and Innovation Management. CCO Hubert Büchel has decided to take on a new position outside the Bank. CEO Edi Wögerer will assume responsibility for the new Customer Relations division.

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Press Releases

Crypto certificate as a token and classic security – Bank Frick and Bitcoin Suisse present innovative product

Bank Frick is issuing an active BTC-ETH tracker, with Bitcoin Suisse acting as the blockchain service provider and prime crypto broker. As of today, the certificate is available as both a classic security and a token and is thus suitable for traditional and blockchain-savvy investors. Its underlying assets are Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). Qualified investors can thus diversify their portfolios in a simple manner with cryptocurrencies.

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Blog posts

From ICOs to token offerings

While more funds were collected with initial coin offerings (ICOs) in 2018 than ever before, the still relatively young market remained exposed to considerable influences. Following significant price losses and regularly occurring cases of fraud, regulators around the world are increasingly devoting their attentions to the risks and opportunities of this new asset class – and this is especially true of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Issuers and investors are welcoming the emerging legal certainty, as there is no real interest in a Wild West environment. Their focus is therefore being placed on the regulated version of an ICO – the security token offering (STO). A successful process needs to be planned, however.

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Blog posts

Private debt – more capital market, less bank

Even in times of low interest rates, investors look for ways to diversify their portfolios in the hope of achieving attractive returns. This is a situation which Bank Frick – with its focus on intermediaries – also has to address. At the same time, SMEs are increasingly having problems with financing due to their valuation risks and the stricter regulation of banks under the Basel III reform package, and are therefore turning their backs on classic credit institutions. A potential solution for both sides is private debt, which is becoming an interesting form of investment for asset managers and their clients thanks to digitalisation.

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Blog posts

"The job interview took place in the garage"

Bank Frick is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Chairman of the Board of Directors Mario Frick and CEO Edi Wögerer look back at two decades of entrepreneurial banking. They explain why a company’s vision cannot simply be tokenism, how they generate added value for financial intermediaries, and why blockchain no longer has to be like the Wild West.

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Press Releases

Bank Frick is celebrating its birthday and sponsoring a blockchain programme at the University of Liechtenstein

Balzers, Vaduz, Liechtenstein – Bank Frick is to cooperate in future with the University of Liechtenstein in the fields of blockchain and fintech. The University of Liechtenstein will receive substantial financial resources from Bank Frick during a planned five-year cooperation. Partnership-based research projects, projects with students and a Certificate programme are the main aims of the collaboration. The programme will be offered from the beginning of 2019 for the first time.

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Press Releases

Ties off, trainers on – New dress code at Bank Frick

Bank Frick is relaxing its staff dress code. The newly introduced “smart-casual” dress guide permits staff to wear trainers as part of their business attire – whereas ties can stay in the drawer. As part of the activities to mark Bank Frick’s 20th birthday all employees were gifted a pair of trainers in the company colours. As a modern and tech-savvy company, Bank Frick is extending its innovativeness to the dress code too.

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